Our first priority must be to keep students safe while they are around moving vehicles during arrival and dismissal. This necessitates specific traffic flow plans for busses and private vehicles.

Tips for a Safe and Smooth Drop Off/Pick Up Loop:
- Drop off begins at 9:00 and pick up begins at 3:30, when staff are available to supervise
- Follow the arrows on the map for drop off and pick up
- Pull forward as far as possible
- Students will only depart vehicles in the blue zone, past the load/unload sign
- Students exit and enter vehicles on the right
- Stay in your car, we will unload your student(s) curb side for safety
- Be alert for pedestrians in crosswalks
Tips for a Safe Park & Walk:
- No vehicle should be left unattended, unless in a specified parking space
- Follow the arrows on the map until you reach the parking lot
- Park in designated parking spaces only
- Use crosswalks
- Walk or meet student(s) in pedestrian drop off zone
All late arrival students should be accompanied by parent or guardian to the office for check-in.