You can pay for many fees and fines directly to our bookkeeper or pay online through our district's online payment system. For online payments, you’ll need to know your student’s ID number, which is on report cards and available from our main office.
Pay for Meals
Visit our lunch and breakfast page to see costs for meals and additional items. Students must have funds in their meal account to pay for second meals or à la carte items.
Student Fees & Fines
Pay Associated Student Body fees and make other payments through our main office.
Library Fines
Any book checked out to a student (textbooks, library books, Chromebooks) are the student's responsibility. Any damage that occurs while checked out in their name is your family's responsibility.
Text books and Chromebooks have high replacement costs.
Library Paperback books = $10, nonrefundable
Library Hard Cover books = $20, nonrefundable
Textbooks = cost as determined by publisher, nonrefundable
Chromebooks = maximum $300
Options: a. Pay the fine b. Replace with the same title from a less expensive source
School Supply Donations
CK schools are moving to a $20 donation for student supplies. Purchasing items in bulk reduces the cost. Online donations can be made after August 16.
You may pay by credit/debit card online at .
● Username: (Student ID number)
● Password: (Last name of student)
Contact the school office if you need help.